Monday, February 7, 2011

Sleepless Nights

Its four nights in a row and I am really dying for a real quality sleep.
My son Kenjo is suffering from Asthma attack coupled with high fever.
I thought this situation no longer exists.
This after he went through with his swimming and regular medication.
The last time I remember we had this situation when he was 5 years old.

It has recurred and it started last Friday, February 4.
Thursday I carefully monitored his breathing.
I have to because we never had sunshine for about 3 days then.
Just noticed his irregular breathing and told him no cold bath or cold water.

I also suggested to take a break and just request for special exams in the class.
But he does not want to miss his third periodical tests.
On Friday morning he was cheerful.
But soon after his exams on Science and Filipino he was already exhausted.

Prior to this, his classmates rushed to me and reported that Kenjo was told to mop the floor.
I asked them why and they said because he spilled the content of his water tumbler.
I asked who told Kenjo to mop the floor and they said their teacher.
I asked Kenjo and he replied it was his fault.

Kenjo explained that his classmate played with his backpack.
It tipped and water from from his tumbler spilled on the floor.
Instead of allowing him to focus first on answering his tests, the teacher ordered him to mop the floor.
Kenjo followed but he knew he was advised not to exert physically because of his Pulmonary Asthma.

He mopped the floor, touched the dusty mopper and God knows the dusty floor.
By mere touching the cold floor and exposed to electric fan made him feel colder, sick.
After the exams, he appeared at the canteen exhausted and gasping for air.
He repeatedly said it was his and Jason's fault, but he was alone made to pay for Jason's fault.

Since Friday now its already Tuesday February 7 and he is not yet okay.
Feverish and Asthmatic.
His doctor said Kenjo developed a tonsilitis the reason for his fever.
It has complicated his health because of his Asthma attack

His pediatrician said Kenjo was overstressed and needs quality rest.
Had a CBC test and result showed he has no infection so he is clear from Dengue.
We brought him to a Chinese hilot to find out if he has some bone dislocation.
The hilot confirmed of bone dislocation and Asthma and like doc said, the boy must not be overstressed.