Monday, February 7, 2011

Sleepless Nights

Its four nights in a row and I am really dying for a real quality sleep.
My son Kenjo is suffering from Asthma attack coupled with high fever.
I thought this situation no longer exists.
This after he went through with his swimming and regular medication.
The last time I remember we had this situation when he was 5 years old.

It has recurred and it started last Friday, February 4.
Thursday I carefully monitored his breathing.
I have to because we never had sunshine for about 3 days then.
Just noticed his irregular breathing and told him no cold bath or cold water.

I also suggested to take a break and just request for special exams in the class.
But he does not want to miss his third periodical tests.
On Friday morning he was cheerful.
But soon after his exams on Science and Filipino he was already exhausted.

Prior to this, his classmates rushed to me and reported that Kenjo was told to mop the floor.
I asked them why and they said because he spilled the content of his water tumbler.
I asked who told Kenjo to mop the floor and they said their teacher.
I asked Kenjo and he replied it was his fault.

Kenjo explained that his classmate played with his backpack.
It tipped and water from from his tumbler spilled on the floor.
Instead of allowing him to focus first on answering his tests, the teacher ordered him to mop the floor.
Kenjo followed but he knew he was advised not to exert physically because of his Pulmonary Asthma.

He mopped the floor, touched the dusty mopper and God knows the dusty floor.
By mere touching the cold floor and exposed to electric fan made him feel colder, sick.
After the exams, he appeared at the canteen exhausted and gasping for air.
He repeatedly said it was his and Jason's fault, but he was alone made to pay for Jason's fault.

Since Friday now its already Tuesday February 7 and he is not yet okay.
Feverish and Asthmatic.
His doctor said Kenjo developed a tonsilitis the reason for his fever.
It has complicated his health because of his Asthma attack

His pediatrician said Kenjo was overstressed and needs quality rest.
Had a CBC test and result showed he has no infection so he is clear from Dengue.
We brought him to a Chinese hilot to find out if he has some bone dislocation.
The hilot confirmed of bone dislocation and Asthma and like doc said, the boy must not be overstressed.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Its virtually devoid of “tuwid na daan” as we negotiated the rugged road even the supposed highway of Albarkah.

A vehicle has to stop and wait for another one to pass by the steepy, muddy earth up to Danapah village, one of the remote barangays considered dangerous for uniformed personnel and non residents.

One of the village chiefs welcomed our team saying in mixed Filipino, Yakan and English that “I am happy to see you getting up here all safe, its good you were not salvage along the way.”

By the words not salvage, he meant we were not ambushed because all the routes here are declared ambush areas or maybe I guessed he meant that we didnt met an accident as most of the inner roads are almost impassable especially during rainy season.

Brig. General Nicanor Dolojan the Task Force Basilan commander said Albarkah has already been in the pipeline for development soon as they took over the island from the Philippine Marines.

In fact he said “the other week we scraped the road to make it passable, but the place has been already been part for the IPSP or Internal Peace and Security Plan.

Adjari Garam the town's social welfare officer is longing for real development in his place.

Since childhood Garam shared he's been constantly evacuating.

Garam is asking the national government, President Simeon Benigno Aquino III to look and pour development in their war ridden town.

Albarkah is one of the most dreaded towns in Basilan since this is the place where 14 Marines were slaughtered on July 14, 2008.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Finally, his call for a heart to heart talk is answered.

Basilan Bishop Martin Jumoad is going to meet President Simeon Benigno Aquino III on Monday facilitated by the Aquino sisters in Malacanang.

The news was broke by Jaime Juanito “Jamju” Rivera a friend based in Isabela City Basilan. Jamju is the president of Basilan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc., whose organization sought for the relief of PNP ARMM Regional Director Chief Supt. Bienvenido Latag.

He said some Malacanang people called him up to set a meeting between Bishop Jumoad and President Aquino. The scheduled meeting is on January 24.

Earlier Bishop Jumoad has called on authorities to do something on Basilan's growing lawlessness where kidnapping and street crimes have become a daily fare, children were not spared.

However, Bishop Jumoad's description of lawlessness was dismissed by Latag as pure “exaggeration,” and this prompted business sector to call for his ouster as police chief in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).

On January 13, 2011 Bishop Jumoad received some guests at the Bishop's Palace along CP Garcia Street in Isabela City. Among the guests were Interior and Local Government Secretary Jesse Robredo, PNP Chief Director General Raul Bacalzo and Western Mindanao Command chief Lt. General Raymundo Ferrer.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Julie's Journey: DIG AND DIG MORE FOR WATER: "Fifteen years ago, when we moved at a community called Caputatan, there was no basic facility installed. No power lines, no water pipes tha..."

Monday, January 17, 2011


Fifteen years ago, when we moved at a community called Caputatan, there was no basic facility installed. No power lines, no water pipes that brings you tap water right down to your house, no telephone lines or internet.

My mother Julinda decided to seek help from nearby laborers. "Please dig for us, build us a water well."

The laborers dug for about 10 feet and water like fountain spurted out from the ground.

Everyone was happy, I remember my younger sister Emma was jumping "we have now water yipee!"

Five years after, water system was installed but only limited number of households were able to manage connections. My mother is one of them. But the old sturdy water well regularly offers water to waterless residents.

Fifteen years after, my brother Joel got married and he occupied the left end of our compound. 

He decided to have his own water well to conserve and save.

Unfortunately it took him about 50 feet down to locate a water source.

My mother said "the community is growing, people are becoming hostile to our nature, cutting trees will make our ground dry."

Yes 15 years ago, our small village has a handful of households. Our place was known as bird hunting site then.

Now residentials are sprawling everywhere and more houses are being build.

Confusing Weather

I woke up with sunshine trying to get through our windows.

Birds chirping continuously as if reminding us to wake up and welcome this beautiful Tuesday morning.

Sun's rays becoming a bit warmer beckoning me to leave my inviting bed.

Indeed a good day as if its the first time we see a beautiful sunshine.

However just after a couple of hours, dark clouds dominated the sky.

Cold winds slapped the leaves and branches, a signal that rain is coming and sunshine is leaving so soon.

My son Kenneth said "I dont understand our weather, just an hour ago, it was great sunshine, now we are searching for raincoat because of sudden drizzles."